| What does it mean to Find one's purpose in life anyway? |
Knowing that you are not fulfilling your life's purpose and finding the courage and the faith to activate it are two very different things. This used to cause me much discontent, stress and fatique. This came to a head when after losing my father, my life came to a grinding halt, much like the jarring, grating noise of the wheels of a freight train pulling into a station. For awhile after 'The Jolt', I teeter tottered at the precipice of despair and depression.
But somehow, The Lord of all Grace helped me find the courage to make some life changing decisions. Through the haze and deep distress of a painful loss, I dared to Let Go and Let God and he has caused me to flourish and blossom like desert cacti after the rain.
Thanks be to God, I've struck my chord of purpose. Here I am on this blog, exploring my passion for creative expression in a forum that speaks of His Goodness and Love.
Just know, that finding your purpose is not a linear process, but one of meanderings, and great struggle towards truth and understanding. However, you will know you are leaning into your purpose or what I like to call in your Zone of Proximal enlightement (TZPe);
When you are sleeping fast
And Working hard, but loving your task
When your eyes sparkle like a happy bride's
Yet you embrace your tears and let them slide
When you are at once broke and happy
Or Rich, but sharing your prosperity
When you somewhat comprehend
That, Your life's understory
Will somehow tend
Towards God's Great Glory!
Love ZPora