Anyway this past Sunday I had another such experience when I listened to Mr Jakes present the parable of The Sower. And so here a new column in Tzpora's blog has been spawned. In that message, I heard all that the Lord intended for us to HEAR and so each month I will dedicate one of my weekly posts to re sharing the TD Jakes ministry - 'TD Jakes Repotted'. ( No pun intended ). You see not everyone will HEAR in the same way and not everyone will HEAR from the same person. Picture a child who has tuned out one parent or a student who has a mental block to a particular teacher. Operating on the same principle I'm repotting what The Lord has poured into His vessel at The Potter's House and sowing it into the ground with which I'm surrounded, my family, friends, fellow bloggers, fellow humans... Of course I know, as TD said not everyone within the hearing of my voice will receive it either. For some it will roll off like water from a duck's back... oblivious! While for others, they will think, wow 'that's deep' .... But come next week...they will have forgotten....
However, the fertile spirits of this world are with whom we seek to partner and bring into the fold, The Zone. These are they who yearn and struggle... stretch and turn.... towards truth and understanding. These are they who will dance at the revelation of God's good Grace and be changed forever. And so we will build the Kingdom of God, one vessel at a time repurposed , repositioned and poised for the Harvest.