The Lord's Prayer "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen". Matthew 6:9-13 (KJV I will continually rejoice that each day that I exist on this planet is one more day to do the work of my Heavenly father. I rejoice because its all I can do to worship a Father who is so faithful and full of Grace and Mercy. Ever so often our Heavenly fathers sends us an angel, a comforter, a true friend an earthly mother or father, a savior like his son Jesus who taught us when we pray to say "Our Father which art in heaven, Holy is thy name . Thy Kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Stand still for awhile and let the full impact settle into your spirit. For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory. Every little thing we do must be to glory of our all Powerful and wholy Holy Father which art in Heaven. | Our Father is A Father who gives good gifts and treasures to serve us while we serve our lifetime here on Earth. Good gifts like our daily bread, a loving and priceless earthly mother or father, a soulmate, a friend for the fire, a voice of little angels like my own little son who reminds me to breathe deeply whenever I am yet again overcome by the loss of my earthly father. Or maybe he sends us the little treasure of mercy called Rhema Marvanne who was sent specifically to minister to the souls of humanity. Her Heavenly Father, before He fashioned her in her mother's womb ( a mother who the Lord took home via Ovarian cancer) planned for her to be his mouthpiece of Power and Glory. See Below where she sings of 'Our Father'. Am overjoyed that Little Rhema and I both share the same Father which art in Heaven. And so should you! |
Thank You Father
My Commentary on the Mauritania Slave Narrative Pathways to Mauritana By Zpora Will someone show me the road to Mauritania It is imperative that I validate this narrative that reads like pulp fiction This study in contradiction Will someone show me the route to Mauritana’s children My blood boils at the testimony Of ‘Marienne’s’story. From these stories hitherto unspoken The triangle seems yet unbroken Come with me Spirit of Tubman Let us rise up in righteous indignation and seek out this tribulation that troubles Mauritanians Let us seek and find the root of this travesty And loosen its Stranglehold On freedom and dignity What? What is that you say? What do you mean there are Many roads that lead to Many Mauritanias? Well then…… Come Let us pick One! This journey has NOW begun #startwalking
In recent months I've been finding a peace and a joy amidst the ruins. Ive been coming into a new awareness of myself and my unique position on the planet. I've been exploring the anatomy of hope and purpose through the lens of sorrow.
Knowing that you are not fulfilling your life's purpose and finding the courage and the faith to activate it are two very different things. This used to cause me much discontent, stress and fatique. This came to a head when after losing my father, my life came to a grinding halt, much like the jarring, grating noise of the wheels of a freight train pulling into a station. For awhile after 'The Jolt', I teeter tottered at the precipice of despair and depression. But somehow, The Lord of all Grace helped me find the courage to make some life changing decisions. Through the haze and deep distress of a painful loss, I dared to Let Go and Let God and he has caused me to flourish and blossom like desert cacti after the rain. Thanks be to God, I've struck my chord of purpose. Here I am on this blog, exploring my passion for creative expression in a forum that speaks of His Goodness and Love. Just know, that finding your purpose is not a linear process, but one of meanderings, and great struggle towards truth and understanding. However, you will know you are leaning into your purpose or what I like to call in your Zone of Proximal enlightement (TZPe); When you are sleeping fast And Working hard, but loving your task When your eyes sparkle like a happy bride's Yet you embrace your tears and let them slide When you are at once broke and happy Or Rich, but sharing your prosperity When you somewhat comprehend That, Your life's understory Will somehow tend Towards God's Great Glory! Love ZPora
The Word Sparkle means:
To give off or reflect flashes of light ~ glitter ~ To be brilliant in performance ~ To shine with animation. The root word Spark also means to fire or ignite. If we use this etymological analysis of the word in light of God's relevance to our lives, then we uncover a bright and powerful truth. When we align ourselves with God's purpose for our lives then we can't help but Sparkle For His Glory and Sparkle With the Light of His Glory. When He ignites our Spirit with his love then we in turn emit reflective points of light into the world. We perform brilliantly and even our speech shines with animation when we speak of his love. Interestingly enough the word animation comes from the greek word anima which means soul or life. Coincidence? God's truths sometimes comes to us in a series of incidents, accidents, and seeming coincidences, but its just God's way of remaining anonymous until we gaze intently into the light of His Word and catch a glimpse of the plans he has for our lives. Brilliant plans for a full and rich life that sparkles with his Glory. Love ZPora |
ZporaGod is in Control. Archives
July 2018