"I'll have to make a mental note to remind myself to come to the book club after school." "Mom you look beautiful in that turquoise color, it really complements your skin."
When these adult like statements effortlessly glide off the tongue of your 7 year old, you can't help but smile in wonder at how quickly children acquire a mastery of language. Solomon's wit, the exquisite rose, earth's mineral treasures - these things all pale in comparison to God's most precious gift to humanity. The gift of children. Gaze into the eyes of a child filled with wonder, conviction, innocence and see what our all knowing Father has planted there - a clue to how we should navigate the journey. Unless we become like children, we'll not make it into his kingdom. Be deliberate in your protection, guidance, teaching, ministry to children and guard fiercely their dignity. Listen closely, if you dare, to the little messages that our children share- they are clear and pure nuggets of truth that have travelled across eternal spaces from our Creator. A glorious message of goodness and light that seeks an aperture within which to ignite your spirit!
Be blessed